Bernard M. Gross

A woman with curly hair is wearing a blue jacket and smiling.

Bernard M. Gross

Bernard M. Gross was recognized in 2020 by the Philadelphia Bar Association for sixty years of distinguished service to the community and to the profession. He had been an active member of The Association of Trial Lawyers of America since 1960. In 1990, he received the "Stalwart" award from The Association of Trial Lawyers of America.

Bernard M. Gross was a member of the House of Delegates of the Pennsylvania Bar Association from 1988 to 1993. He was a former member of the Board of Governors of the Pennsylvania Trial Lawyers Association. He also served as a member of the Board of Governors of the Philadelphia Bar Association, was a past President of the Philadelphia Trial Lawyers Association, past Chairman of the Philadelphia Bar Association Committee on Judicial Compensation, and former Chairman of its Civil Legislative Committee.

He was formerly Chancellor of the Tau Epsilon Rho Law Fraternity Philadelphia Graduate Chapter. Mr. Gross was also a former member of the Pennsylvania General Assembly from 1967 to 1970. He previously served as an Assistant City Solicitor in charge of bonds and contracts for the City of Philadelphia from 1961 to 1964.

Throughout his career, he lectured on behalf of the Philadelphia Trial Lawyers Association and the Pennsylvania Trial Lawyers Association. He had also argued significant cases in the Pennsylvania Supreme Court that contributed to changes in Pennsylvania law. Notable cases included Cheeseman v. Lethal Exterminator, which made venue selection easier in the City of Philadelphia, as well as Budde v. Sandler and Fleisher v. Kaufman, which led to the elimination of phony insurance companies due to their indiscriminate use of arbitration appeals. In addition to his legal career, he was active in politics from 1967 to 1970, serving as a Representative in the General Assembly in Harrisburg from the 200th District, which covers the northwest section of Philadelphia.

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